Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Patricia Polish, KE7JIV
(775) 848-0252
1) Hold a valid amateur radio FCC issued license.
2) You do not have to live in Lyon County.
3) If under the age 18, you must provide written parental consent.(see below)
4) Personal Interview (Contact Patty, KE7JIV, to setup. see below)
5) You must have or obtain Incident Command System (ICS)
100, 200, 700b, 800c
Free Online
IS-100.c Introduction to Incident Command System
IS-200.c ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
IS-800.c National Response Framework, An Introduction
6) You must attend one (1) business meeting.
7) You must attend two (2) training sessions.
8) Pass a background check
9) CPR & 1st Aid is required for those who want to assist the
Lyon County Sheriff's Search & Rescue during call outs.
10) Be voted upon by the general membership.
Download Appropriate form/s.
Complete and Bring to Personal Interview.
Associate Member
Anyone can join L.C.A.R.E.S. as an Associate Member. These individuals provide valuable
assistance on call-outs and other activities. Not everything we do requires a radio.
Steps 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 10 must be completed.
Regular Member
Any holder of an Amateur Radio License is eligible to be a regular member of the
L.C.A.R.E.S. team.
Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 10 must be completed.
Full Member
At this level the member has determined that they want to be involved in emergency communications. As the served agencies in Lyon County require National Incident
Management System (NIMS) compliance additional requirements are needed.
Steps 1 thru 10 must be completed
Questions? Comments! Problems with the web site - email:
2008 - 2021 All rights reserved - L.C.A.R.E.S
Lyon County Amateur Radio Emergency Services